Thoughtfolio — Issue #47
What I’ve been reading this week…
WeWork, Theranos & OneCoin. (4 mins) —
It’s remarkable that there aren’t more articles connecting WeWork with the likes of OneCoin and Herbalife. The BBC’s OneCoin documentary podcast is an excellent listen btw.
Capitalism is turning us into addicts. (10 mins) —
‘Limbic capitalism’ has hacked our brains. “There is a certain class of brain-rewarding products that lead to a form of pathological learning that we call addiction and it’s that branch of capitalism that is especially dangerous.”
What would happen if we abolished time zones altogether? (7 mins) —
Interesting fact: Nepal’s time is set to quarter past the hour.
“If you are not willing to risk the usual you will have to settle for the ordinary.” Jim Rohn