Thoughtfolio 91 — profound wisdom to improve your learning, thinking slower is smarter, and owning your Dark Side.
What I’ve been reading this week…
Integrating your dark side: the secret to being more whole and happy. (12 mins) —
A look into Scott Barry Kaufman’s work on ‘light’ and ‘dark’ sides, and why we shouldn’t entirely suppress the latter. Robert Johnson’s work on Shadow goes deeper into this, a useful read if you’re interested in finding out more.
Take your time to think. (3 mins) —
There’s a tendency in some organisations & social settings to assume that people who have an immediate answer are smarter, and those that need time to think are less so. This is clearly nonsense.
The most valuable thinking on learning that I’ve read this year. (5 mins) —
This was my introduction to Josh Waitzkin — a fascinating person who has some profound models for learning. I’ve just ordered his book and recommend reading this Twitter thread which summarises some of his thinking: model 3 on stress & recovery has really caused me to reflect.
“Whatever you fight, you strengthen, and what you resist, persists.” Eckhart Tolle