Thoughtfolio 88 — what matters after money & attention?, create better team communication & the ideal size of networks.
What I’ve been reading this week…
What if you didn’t need money or attention? (1 min) —
I love this simply presented thought from Derek Sivers. Thanks to Sanj for sharing this!
Smaller teams = better communication. (4 mins) —
Imagine not having to ‘report upwards’ so much. More insight from the Corporate Rebels on decentralised networks of self-managed and autonomous teams.
The magic number for your social and work groups. (7 mins) —
This is a useful companion piece to the article above. Robin Dunbar’s work on work and social network size is several decades old yet more relevant than ever. He found consistently that 150 people is the maximum network size for effective co-operation and cohesion. Side fact: apparently this is why Roman legions had a maximum of 100 soliders.
“Every change contains within it an element of death. Today is the death of yesterday.” Dzongsar Jamyang Khyentse