Authenticity: know thyself, be thyself.
How to define authenticity?
Going for a job interview where you’re crystal clear in your own mind why you want the job, and you’re willing to share this with the interviewer — even when the answer might mean you don’t get it (e.g. “For the money). I realised this when I wondered why I don’t feel the need to prepare for job discussions anymore.
Being honest and open about why you’re in a relationship and what you need and want from your partner, to the extent that your partner knows the answer better than you do. This requires vulnerability, emotional openness, trust and communication. I’m still getting better at this.
Asking yourself what you want. What you REALLY want. And then answering the question with brutal honesty. You might not like the answer. You might love it. You might be surprised. But you’ll feel liberated. Ask yourself what you want, listen and repeat. This is the essence of authenticity. I’m practicing this.
Taking a decision that means going against the norm or that makes you an outsider. A decision that goes against all influences, norms, incentives and expectations, that steer you towards another decision — the decision the crowd makes. Instead you listen to your heart, your gut, your backside — wherever your best instincts live. This is being true to yourself. I’m not bad at this.
How do you define authenticity?